Welcome to Brookstone’s
Mission Week!
May 15-22
Where would you like to serve?
For more information about volunteering please fill out the following form. One of our Coordinators will contact you.
Thank you for showing an interest in serving with ABCCM. Please contact the coordinators below to learn about further opportunities with each of these ministries. For volunteer groups, volunteers will need to have all requirements completed by one week prior to their date of volunteering, or they will need to reschedule. For general questions or for group volunteer information please contact Caleb Bradshaw, Volunteer Administrator, at (828) 398-6836 or email volunteer@abccm.org.
Crisis Ministry
We have four locations providing counseling, food, clothing, furniture, household items, and financial assistance for rent/mortgage utilities, heat, homeless prevention/rapid rehousing services. Each location needs people to serve in the receptions areas, food pantries, clothing rooms, and counseling. To serve, contact Mary Messarra, Director of ABCCM's Crisis Ministries.
Veterans Restoration Quarters (VRQ)
At the VRQ we welcome individuals, families, and groups, whether from churches, business, or just a group of friends, to serve. We need people to serve in the kitchen to prepare and serve meals, barbers/beauticians, work teams, teachers and facilitators, receptionists, data entry clerks, entertainers, and chaplains to listen, offer spiritual information, and prayer. To serve in one of these areas, please contact Michelle Laws, volunteer coordinator at ABCCM’s Veterans Restoration Quarters..
Transformation Village (TrV)
At Transformation Village we welcome individuals, families, and groups, whether from churches, business, or just a group of friends, to serve. We need people to serve in the kitchen to prepare and serve meals, barbers/beauticians, work teams, teachers and facilitators, receptionists, data entry clerks, entertainers, child care providers, and chaplains to listen, offer spiritual information, and prayer. To serve in one of these areas, contact Shannon Paris, volunteer coordinator at ABCCM's Transformation Village
Medical Ministry
The Medical Ministry provides essential medical primary care services including a dental clinic and pharmacy. This facility holds the highest level of accreditation for free clinics. We always need volunteer physicians, dentist, dental hygienists, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, receptions, and data entry clerks. To serve in one of these areas, contact Kevin Ray, volunteer coordinator at ABCCM's Medical Ministry.
Jail Ministry
Serving with the jail ministry is different than serving in other areas of ABCCM. You must complete a background check, attend the Buncombe County Detention Center volunteer orientation, attend an ABCCM volunteer orientation, and must be at least 21 years old. We need people to serve as Bible study leaders, discussion leaders, library assistance and chaplains. To serve in one of these areas, contact Chaplain Vanessa James.
Costello House
The Costello House is a generous gift from the Costello Family Foundation to bring hope and good news to homeless men in our community. ABCCM needs churches to come together again, as they have so many times, to solve an urgent need in our community. Please contact volunteer@abccm.org
Special Events
ABCCM hosts a variety of special events throughout the year. These events are essential to informing our community of the many services ABCCM provides, while also helping raise funds for ABCCM's many areas of ministry. We need people to assist with event planning, setup, decorating, and day of coordination. To serve in one of these areas, please contact Caleb Bradshaw, Volunteer Administrator, at (828) 398-6836 or email volunteer@abccm.org.