The Arm of the Lord revealed

When Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water, he started to sink. The Arm of the Lord reached out and saved him. At ABCCM, people come to us whose lives are sinking. The truth is that most are not looking for a hand-out, they are looking for a hand that can help them get their footing, get unstuck, or get to stable ground.

Feeding the hungry, by offering food to families or feeding the homeless is such a meaningful act of God’s grace and mercy .. His strong arm. Thanks to so many of you, we are able to feed thousands each month. Did you know that when we give a family food, they may get 12 to 16 meals? Not only that, did you know that those meals may save $50, $100, or more that they would spend on groceries that instead can be spent on a light bill, heat, or rent? God’s Arm is revealed each time we feed the hungry.

Care of the sick, by having a clinic that offers the care of physicians, nurses, pharmacists and more is such an act of compassion when we bring healing to patients. Someone sick today is so scared of what they have. The Clinic brings peace of mind to know what is wrong, and the medicine that brings healing. Did you know that insulin is really expensive, as well as inhalers? When we give these medications, or even cheap ones like antibiotics, it means that people don’t miss work, lose money .. or worse, lose their job. Did you know that a clinic visit that costs ABCCM about $50 per person, but easily keeps that person on the job for 3 days or more which puts $350 into their pay?

I could list many other examples. Did you know that Veteran Services of the Carolinas helped train Veterans and put them into jobs, which generated over $4 million in new payroll income in 2021? Did you know that ABCCM prevented the evictions of 701 families? Did you know that 8 out of 10 homeless persons leave Veterans Restoration Quarters and Transformation Village and go into stable jobs and homes of their own?

The question Isaiah asks, “To whom is the Arm of the Lord revealed…” The answer is YOU! When this incredible gift of salvation was revealed to you, and you realized what you had been given. along with Grace and Mercy, you allowed “the Arm of the Lord” to reach out through you to bring food to the hungry or a cup of cool water, care for the sick, welcome in the stranger, visit those in prison. The impact you had through ABCCM in 2021 was over $23 million in God’s economy.

The following articles will reveal more strong arms that are needed. We pray this Lenten season that God will reveal more of Himself through you!

Reverend Scott Rogers, Executive Director

We need you in 2022

A family comes to one of the four Crisis Ministries every 19 minutes on a light day and every 8 minutes on these cold days of winter.  For those looking for a safe place to share God’s love with a family needing someone to listen to them, then we want you to know that you are needed.  We will give you training and put the very gifts from the churches of food, clothes and money into your hands to meet crisis needs.  

Are one of these locations close to you?

Cumberland Crisis Ministry
24 Cumberland Ave.
Asheville, NC 28801
(828) 259-5300 (P) | (828) 259-5307 (F)
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Mary Messarra, Director

South Crisis Ministry
10 Buck Shoals Rd
Arden, NC 28704
(828) 259-5302 (P) | (828) 684-9825 (F)
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Bryan Prather, Coordinator

Hominy Valley Crisis Ministry
1914 Smokey Park Hwy
Candler, NC 28715
(828) 259-5301 (P) | (828) 670-1220 (F)
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Christy Shortridge, Coordinator

North Samaritan Crisis Ministry
403 Weaverville Hwy
Asheville, NC 28804
(828) 259-5303 (P) | (828) 259-5313 (F)
Hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sheryl Olsen, Senior Crisis Coordinator

We need volunteers who can listen as counselors and receptionists to greet people warmly and safely, who can put food packages together, clothing room assistants who can help with warm clothes and blankets.  If you like working behind the scenes, we need file clerks and data entry persons.  

Most everyone has had to figure out how to set priorities for spending money, coming up with a plan to get through a crisis, how to move from one home to another.  Yes, those are BIG decisions and most of us make those with the help our friends and family.  How much more so for those in need, who need Love and Wisdom.  Will you consider sharing your lovingkindness for 3-4 hours once a week or once a month?  

— Reverend Scott Rogers, Executive Director

Isaiah 40: 31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

The Lord Is Our Strength

Do you remember singing, “The joy of the Lord is my strength?”  After another tough year that some describe as a roller coaster and I describe as being in a raft on a river with white water rapids, never knowing what is around the next bend.  We can hear the roar of warnings about Omicron, we can prepare, we can use FaceTime and Zoom and Teams to connect, but it sure has been best when we gather face to face.  Many of us have found strength in waiting on the Lord, relying more on Him, reconnecting with family and friends and realizing that we all need each other more than ever.

Many have said that they want to share their strength with their neighbors, with those who are struggling to work, those who are uninsured, and now the homeless. This past year, about half of our volunteers have returned to bring that strength, compassion and caring through ABCCM to literally 20,000+ individuals and families.

We need you in 2022 is our theme.  We need you to keep people safe and warm.  We need blankets, coats, hats, gloves, and funds to keep heat in homes.  We have our share of frail elderly, families with young children who need oil of their electric bills paid to avoid cut-off as well as propane to stay warm in their homes. 

We need you to help keep the homeless alive.  That’s why ABCCM changed course from the Recovery Living Center at 141 Hillside and re-purposed it as a Code Purple emergency shelter for men, called Costello House.  ABCCM is the only one providing emergency shelter for men, as others do not have the separate facilities to keep from potentially infecting their larger congregate population. We are working closely with the Salvation Army and Rescue Mission to serve homeless women and moms with children.  Trinity UMC opened up to be a safe place for couples, intact families and homeless with pets.  During life threatening weather, Costello House is open 24/7. Church volunteer cook teams and other volunteers are needed to help. See the next article for more information and ways you can help.

ABCCM Transformation Village has opened up emergency space for single women and invites those churches who used to help with Room in the Inn to consider coming back and help with these women.  Please consider volunteering to help save and restore lives of these women and moms with children.

ABCCM is praying for the Lord to renew our strength with volunteers.  Please make this your prayer.  So many families and individuals can be strengthened through our work together.  Please email us at