Incident Form — ABCCM

Complaint of Discrimination, Harassment and/or Retaliation Form


In the event of an emergency, call 911


What To Do If You Believe You Have Experienced Discrimination


The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) prohibit ABCCM from discriminating against applicants to our programs, individuals in our programs, applicants for employment, employees, volunteers, and the general public. If you think that you have been subjected or observed WIOA Protected Class Discrimination, you may file a complaint within 180 days from the date of the alleged violation with either:

Civil Rights Center
ATTN: Office of External Enforcement
U.S. Department of Labor
200 Constitution Ave. NW, Room N-4123
Washington, DC 20210

Equal Opportunity Officer & Title IX Officer
20 Twentieth Street
Asheville, NC, 28806
United States

(828) 259-5305 / (828) 398-6777 (TDD/ TTY) (TDD/ TTY provided by Ringfree Communications.)



If you file your complaint with ABCCM, The Compliance Officer or Executive Director will respond within 3 business days and we will open an investigation.  We will complete the investigation within 60 days and issue a written finding(s).


·        You must wait either until the recipient issues a written Notice of Final Action, or until 90 days have passed (whichever is sooner), before filing with the Civil Rights Center.  Director, Civil Rights Center (CRC), U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW, Room N–4123, Washington, DC 20210.

Please fill out the form below as completely as possible