ABCCM Recovery Living Ministries
ABCCM was approached in 2019 by VA Homeless Services to establish a new clinical treatment program for Veterans needing therapeutic substance abuse recovery. This meant designating a portion of the 158 transitional housing beds for clinical recovery services. In 2017-2018, the local Charles George VA Medical Center along with the Veterans Restoration Quarters developed a new strategic plan where ABCCM agreed to segregate the 158 beds at the VRQ into 3 targeted areas called: Bridge Housing (90 days or less planned stay with rapid re-housing in permanent supportive housing); Hospital to Housing (a respite program for those recovering from health or mental health issues); Supportive Intensive Transitional Housing (our traditional transitional housing to permanent housing). The National Homeless Office documented the spike in homeless Veterans needing substance abuse treatment programs and ABCCM agreed to hire the licensed leadership and social workers to provide a 26 bed clinical treatment program that started October 1, 2020.
ABCCM was fortunate to hire Christie Manning, MBA, MSW, LCSW who is a trained clinician and clinical therapist with an excellent track record in substance abuse treatment. She previously was the manager of 3 residential programs, concurrently.
VAYA Health asked ABCCM to consider a similar contract for a 40-50 men’s clinical treatment recovery center. ABCCM has re-purposed 141 Hillside St. (former Steadfast House facility) as the new ABCCM Recovery Living Center. This will provide needed clinical treatment for men (non-veterans) and is estimated to begin May 1, 2021.
The Recovery Living Ministry brings clinical treatment, along with volunteer and church support, to restore and transform lives at the VRQ, TrV and a new, stand-alone Recovery Living Center at 141 Hillside St. Another important piece in this development was the need for a strong leader with both the clinical and management skills that could establish this Ministry quickly and on our solid principles. That person is Christie Manning, who is already leading the VRQ and TrV treatment services.
Director Christie Manning
141 Hillside St, Asheville, NC 28801
Current Needs
Bedding for twin beds (20)
Dressers (16)
Night Stands (16)
Combination Locks (20)