ABCCM and A-B Tech announce education partnership at Transformation Village

Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry (ABCCM) and A-B Tech have created an educational partnership to offer short-term credentialing programs for some of the most economically vulnerable people in our county. The programs are open to all residents at Transformation Village, ABCCM’s new intentional transitional housing facility for single women, mothers with children, and female veterans.

Having an A-B Tech location on-site will give greater flexibility to residents who want to pursue certification or licensure career paths. According to a 2018 study by The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, women with a certification or license can earn between $8,000-$13,000 more annually than women who are not credentialled.

“This partnership can serve as a model to other communities who are seeking ways to help women,” said Jim Brewer, ABCCM Altruism Officer. “With so many employers looking for people to work, it makes great sense that ABCCM and AB Tech partner to bring continuing education skills together to the community. “We are both committed to offering short-term courses – usually 4 to 12 weeks – where adults can get a certification in health care, internet technology, construction trade skills or micro-enterprise, and immediately see their hourly rate increase by $2 an hour or more. ABCCM and A-B Tech are transforming workers to fill the skilled needs of employers for tomorrow.”

“A-B Tech is honored to partner with ABCCM at their new Transformation Village,” said Deborah Wright, Vice President of Continuing Education and Economic & Workforce Development. “As their educational partner, we are proud to join them by providing onsite training opportunities for the women residents and others in the community.”


Transformation Village currently provides up to 100 beds of transitional housing in stage one. About 200 more are planned for additional stages of construction. “Our goal is transforming lives through four developmental phases, called Steps to Success,” Rev. Brewer said. These include Stabilization, with all basic necessities provided; Life Skills Training, with more than 60 volunteer courses to choose, including Bible studies; Education and Professional Training Certifications to open the doors to living wage jobs; and Reintegration, which leads to permanent housing. “It is our honor to report that eight out of ten residents leave us with a living wage job and permanent housing.”

Here’s a list of A-B Tech classes being offered at Transformation Village starting this fall with staggered start dates August through November:

·       Computer Skills for Job Seekers

·       Computer Skills for the Workplace

·       Google Application Basics: Job Searching and Employment Skills Using Google Applications

·       Resumé and Interviewing Skills

·       Construction and Maintenance Programs

·       Horticulture Basics


Register for classes:

For more information, email, or call 828-398-7934.

To reach Transformation Village directly, contact Beverly Buckner at 828-398-6988, or send her an email at