Mission Statement

The Christian Ministry is a family of Christian congregations organized to provide individuals an opportunity to grow, mature and express their faith through fellowship and service for the joy set before us in Christ.

The Christian Ministry will stimulate doing together what individual congregations cannot do separately, in an ecumenical spirit.

We are committed to Christ to translate our faith into cooperative action which ministers to the spiritual, social, physical, economic and emotional needs of our neighbors in Buncombe County.

Through Christ, our pioneer and perfector, we persevere to restore and/or maintain the dignity of every person, bring reconciliation to hostilities, bring new skills, strategies, and hope to the thwarted/disadvantaged lives; share our common victories of life.

Take our hands, work through them.
Take our lips, speak through them.
Take our minds, think through them.
Take our hearts, set them on fire.
— Corporate Prayer